Friday, August 28, 2009

pumpkins and city bumpkins

we're growing a giant pumpkin in our backyard.

it's huge already. like, really huge. and orange. and beautiful. and slightly setting on our neighbor's property but they don't care because it's a rental and nobody takes care of the lawn anyhow.

i constantly find myself worrying about the pumpkin. should we cut it off now? should we move it back onto our property? do we let it grow to a hundred pounds? will it rot where it lay? are the seeds going to be any good?

it's a pumpkin for crying out loud. the worst that could happen is that it would rot and we'd have to somehow remove it from the premises.

i think we should take the seeds and plant them in our friends' yards when they're not looking. then one day they'll wake up and have giant 100 lb. pumpkins of their own. and we'd all match. 'cause that's what's important. yeah.


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